Personalised Immunotherapy in Sepsis:
a precision medicine approach

Bioaster Fondation De Cooperation Scientifique


BIOASTER is a non-for-profit technological research institute dedicated to applied microbiology and infectious diseases created in 2012 by the French Government. BIOASTER conducts innovative collaborative research, co-funded by private partners and public funding, in the four major application fields of microbiology including human and veterinary infectious diseases: vaccines, antimicrobials, diagnosis and microbiota. BIOASTER has currently today more than 100 employees including 80 scientists and engineers originating from 16 different countries. Since 2012, BIOASTER has conducted more than 50 collaborative projects with private and academia partners

Role within ImmunoSep

BIOASTER will be involved in the “multi-omics characterization of sepsis patients” and will be in charge of the microbiome platform.

Main contacts

Photo of Adrien Saliou
Adrien Saliou
Photo of Margaux Balezeaux
Margaux Balezeaux